Treatment of pain with sustained-release tramadol 100, 150, 200 mg: results of a post-marketing surveillance study
Nossol S, Schwarzbold M, Stadler T
Medical Scientific Division,
Grunenthal GmbH,
Int J Clin Pract 1998 Mar; 52(2):115-21
ABSTRACTIn a post-marketing-surveillance study the use of a sustained-release tramadol preparation (Tramal long 100, 150, 200 mg) was investigated in 3153 patients. The intention was to comply with the legal obligation to carry out product surveillance and to collect data on prescribing behaviour. We focused our attention on drug safety and efficacy. Tramal long was used mainly for severe and very severe pain. The most frequently reported causes of pain were diseases of the locomotor system (49.9%), tumours (24.3%), traumas and fractures (10.1%), and neurogenic (9.3%). The mean daily dose was 235.7 mg, usually divided into two doses. The analgesic effect was described as very good or good by 82.5% of the patients. Adverse events occurred in 6.5% of the patients, mostly in the form of typical opioid side-effects such as nausea (3.4%), dizziness (1.5%) and vomiting (1.1%). Severe or unknown side-effects were not reported.Morphine
Immune response
Tramadol: metabolites
Tramadol and analgesia
Tramadol and acute pain
Tramadol versus morphine
Tramadol versus oxycodone
Official prescribing indications
Tramadol as an antidepressant
Tramadol: risk/benefit analysis
Tramadol versus buprenorphine
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
Tramadol, depression and Parkinson's disease
BLTC Research
The Hedonistic Imperative
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