Effect of peripheral morphine in a
human model of acute inflammatory pain

Lilleso J, Hammer NA, Pedersen JL, Kehlet H
Department of Surgical Gastroenterology,
Hvidovre University Hospital,
Br J Anaesth 2000 Aug; 85(2):228-32


Several studies have demonstrated the presence of opioid inducible receptors on peripheral nerves and peripheral antinociceptive effects of opioids. However, the effects of peripheral opioid administration in man are controversial. Our study used a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, three-way crossover design in a human model of acute inflammatory pain (heat injury). We studied 18 healthy volunteers who each received morphine locally (2 mg), morphine systemically (2 mg), or placebo on three separate study days. The subjects received morphine infiltration subcutaneously (s.c.). 1 h before heat injury (47 degrees C, 7 min) and naloxone infiltration s.c. (0.2 mg) 2.5 h after the heat injury. Hyperalgesia to mechanical and heat stimuli were examined using von Frey hairs and thermodes, and pain was rated using a visual analogue scale. The burns produced significant hyperalgesia, but local morphine infiltration neither reduced pain during the burn, nor primary or secondary hyperalgesia to mechanical and heat stimuli after the burn. In conclusion, peripherally applied morphine had no acute antinociceptive effects in this human model of acute inflammatory pain.
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