Dutch research on the effectiveness of medical prescription of heroin; background, research design and preliminary results
van den Brink W, Hendriks VM, Blanken P, van Ree JM
Centrale Commissie Behandeling Heroineverslaafden,
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2000 Jan 15; 144(3):108-12
ABSTRACTIn the Netherlands the total number of heroin addicts amounts to approximately 25,000. Of these about 70% is in contact with the treatment system. The remaining 30% have not been seeking help, believes that no help is needed or has lost faith in a better future altogether. Of those who are in treatment, 30% attempt to stop the use of opiates through participation in drug free abstinence oriented outpatient or inpatient treatment programs. The remaining 70% have given up the outlook of a drug free existence at least temporarily, and they participate in a methadone maintenance program directed at stabilizing drug use, harm minimization and social integration. In two-thirds these goals are not or only partially achieved. For these patients additional treatment options are needed. Medical prescription of heroin is such an option. However, currently no data are available on the effectiveness of this option. The Dutch study on the effectiveness of medical prescription of heroin is an attempt to obtain these data. In the study, simultaneously two randomized trials are being executed: one with inhalable and one with injectable heroin. In these trials, 625 (375 inhalers and 250 injectors) chronic treatment-resistant heroin addicts who are currently enrolled in a methadone maintenance program are offered heroin (in combination with oral methadone) seven days per week, three times per day for a period of six to twelve months. It is a multi-center study with eight treatment units in six cities in the Netherlands (Amsterdam, The Hague, Groningen, Heerlen, Rotterdam, Utrecht). At this moment 180 patients have been randomized. During the treatment no medical complications have been observed and no serious public order or safety problems have occurred. Study participants have been very compliant both with the treatment regimen and the research requirements. The latter is indicated by the fact that 85% of all the two-monthly assessments have been completed.Pain
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