Don't Change Horsemen in the Middle of An Apocalypse

Sunday, January 26, 2003
Posted: 5:32 PM EST (2232 GMT)

Bush adviser: Nuclear weapons an
option in possible war

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card refused Sunday to rule out the possibility that the United States will use nuclear weapons against Iraq.

"Should Saddam Hussein have any thought that he would use a weapon of mass destruction, he should anticipate that the United States will use whatever means necessary to protect us and the world from a holocaust," Card told NBC's Meet the Press.

Asked if that means the United States might use nuclear weapons, Card said, "I'm not going to put anything on the table or off the table, but we have a responsibility to make sure Saddam Hussein or his generals do not use weapons of mass destruction."

The issue was raised Saturday in an article in the Los Angeles Times, in which "multiple sources close to the process" said the United States is preparing for the possible use of nuclear weapons against Iraq "in the new U.S. doctrine of 'pre-emption.'"

According to the newspaper, two possible roles are being considered: attacking facilities so far underground that they might be unreachable by conventional explosives; and pre-empting possible use by Iraq of weapons of mass destruction.

Such planning lowers the nuclear threshold and "rewrites the ground rules of nuclear combat in the name of fighting terrorism," the article said.

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