Modafinil in obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea
syndrome: a pilot study in 6 patients

Arnulf I, Homeyer P, Garma L, Whitelaw WA, Derenne JP.
Service de Pneumologie et Laboratoire du Sommeil,
Hopital Pitie-Salpetriere,
Paris, France.
Respiration 1997; 64(2):159-61


We studied the effects of modafinil, a vigilance-enhancing drug, on excessive daytime sleepiness, memory, night sleep and respiration in 6 patients with obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) using a double-blind random cross-over design with 24-hour polysomnography, verbal memory test and a 5-week sleep-wake diary kept by the patients. There were two 2-week treatment periods in which either modafinil or placebo was used; they were separated by a 1-week wash-out period. Our results show that modafinil reduces daytime sleep duration, lengthens the duration of subjective daytime vigilance and improves long-term memory in patients with OSAHS without modifying night sleep and respiration events.

Sleep apnea
Modafinil: structure
Modafinil and serotonin
Modafinil and the aviator
Modafinil: pharmacokinetics
Modafinil as an antidepressant
Modafinil versus amphetamine
Modafinil versus methylphenidate
Modafinil, amphetamine and sleep
Modafinil for daytime sleepiness in obstructive sleep apnea

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