Impact of modafinil on prefrontal executive function in schizophrenia
Hunter MD, Ganesan V, Wilkinson ID, Spence SA.
Sheffield Cognition and Neuroimaging Laboratory (SCANLab),
Academic Clinical Psychiatry, Division of Genomic Medicine,
University of Sheffield,
The Longley Centre,
Norwood Grange Drive,
Sheffield S5 7JT, U.K..
Am J Psychiatry. 2006 Dec;163(12):2184-6.


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute effects of modafinil on prefrontal activation and cognitive control of motor activity in people with schizophrenia and prominent negative symptoms. METHOD: In a crossover design, 12 subjects with schizophrenia were studied twice, receiving either modafinil or placebo prior to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Inside the scanner, they performed a task probing cognitive control that required deliberate variation of motor activity in time. RESULTS: Modafinil administration was associated with significantly greater activation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during fMRI. Its physiological and behavioral effects were correlated. This was most evident in individuals with worse baseline executive function. Focal response to modafinil in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and baseline letter fluency scores predicted most of the variance in the drug's effect on cognitive control. CONCLUSIONS: Modafinil did not improve cognitive control in all schizophrenia patients. Increased activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and in neuropsychological performance were observed in patients with suboptimal baseline function.

Modafinil: review
Executive function
Modafinil: structure
Modafinil and serotonin
Modafinil and the marmoset
Excessive daytime sleepiness
Modafinil as an antidepressant
Modafinil versus amphetamine
Modafinil versus methylphenidate
Modafinil, amphetamine and sleep

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