Orexins/hypocretins excite basal
forebrain cholinergic neurones

Eggermann E, Serafin M, Bayer L, Machard D,
Saint-Mleux B, Jones BE, Muhlethaler M.
Neuroscience 2001 Dec 10;108(2):177-181


The orexins (orexin A and B, also known as hypocretin 1 and 2) are two recently identified neuropeptides () which are importantly implicated in the control of wakefulness (for reviews see ). Indeed, alteration in these peptides' precursor, their receptors or the hypothalamic neurones that produce them leads to the sleep disorder narcolepsy (). The mechanisms by which the orexins modulate wakefulness, however, are still unclear. Their presence in fibres coursing from the hypothalamus () up to the preoptic area (POA) and basal forebrain (BF) suggests that they might influence the important sleep and waking neural systems situated there (). The present study, performed in rat brain slices, demonstrates, however, that the orexins have no effect on the GABA sleep-promoting neurones of the POA, whereas they have a strong and direct excitatory effect on the cholinergic neurones of the contiguous BF. In addition, by comparing the effects of orexin A and B we demonstrate here that orexins' action depends upon orexin type 2 receptors (OX(2)), which are those lacking in narcoleptic dogs (). These results suggest that the orexins excite cholinergic neurones that release acetylcholine in the cerebral cortex and thereby contribute to the cortical activation associated with wakefulness.

Orexin A
The sleep-switch
Modafinil: structure
Modafinil and serotonin
Modafinil and the aviator
Modafinil and the marmoset
Modafinil: pharmacokinetics
Modafinil as an antidepressant
Modafinil versus amphetamine
Modafinil versus methylphenidate
Modafinil v amphetamine v placebo
Modafinil, narcolepsy-catalepsy and orexin neuropeptides
Mood-lifting effect of caloric restriction is mediated by orexin

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