Eskimos are alleged to have a dozen different words
for snow, reflecting the immense significance of snow in their culture...
... Acapulco gold, Acapulco red, Ace, African black, African bush, African woodbine, African black, African bush, airplane, Alice B. Toklas, Angola, ashes, atshitshi, aunt Mary, baby, baby bhang, bale, bambalacha, bammy, bar, bash, Belyando spruce, bhang, black, black bart, black gold, black gunion, black mo, black moat, blanket, block, blonde, blue de Hue, blue sage, blue sky blond, bo-bo, bobo bush, bohd, bomber, bone, boo, boom, brick, broccoli, brown, bud, bullyon, burnie, burrito, bush, butter, butter flower, cam trip, can, canamo, canappa, cancelled stick, carmabis, catnip, cavite all star, charas, charge, cheeba, cheeo, chiba chiba, chillums, chira, Christmas tree, chronic, churus, citrol, climb, cochornis, coli, coliflor tostao, Colorado cocktail, cosa, ganja, ghanja, giggle weed, grefa, grifa, gunga, gunja, gunney, gunney sack, hash, hashish, crazy weed, cripple, crying weed, cubes, culican, dagga, dawamesk, dew, diambista, dimba, ding, dinkie dow, dirt grass, ditch, ditch weed, djamba, domestic, don jem, dona Juana, dona Juanita, doobie/dubbe/duby, dope, dope smoke, doradilla, draf weed, drag weed, dry high, durog, duros, Earth, El diablito, El diablo, endo, Esra, fatty, fine stuff, finger, fir, flower, flower tops, fraho/frajo, Fu, fuel, fuma d'angola, funk, funny stuff, gage/gauge, gange, gangster, ganja, gash, gasper, gasper stick, gauge butt, get a gage up, get high, get the wind, ghana, giggle smoke, gold, gold star, golden leaf, gong, good butt, good giggles, goof butt, grass, grass brownies, grata, green, green goddess, greeter, Greta, griefo, griff, griffa, griffo, gungun, gyve, hanhich, happy cigarette, has, Hawaiin, hay, hay butt, hemp, herb, herba, hit, hit the hay, hocus, homegrown, honey blunts, hooch, hooter, hot stick, indian boy, indian hay, indian hemp, indo, Indonesian bud, J, Jane, Jay smoke, Jay, jive, jive stick, joint, jolly green, joy smoke, joy stick, ju-ju, Juan Valdez, Juanita, Kali, kaya, Kentucky blue, KGB (killer green bud), kick stick, kif, kiff, killer, killer weed, kilter, kind, Kumba, L.L., lakbay diva, lamb's bread, laughing grass, laughing weed, leaf, lid, light stuff, Lima, limbo, little smoke, llesca, loaf, lobo, loco, locoweed, log, love boat, love weed, lubage, Lucas, M, M.J., M.O., M.U., machinery, macon, magic smoke, Manhattan silver, marijuana, Mari, Marley, Mary, Mary and Johnny, Mary Ann, Mary Jane, Mary Jonas, Mary Warner, Mary Weaver, matchbox, Maui wauie, Meg, Megg, Meggie, messorole, Mexican brown, Mexican red, mighty mezz, modams, Mohasky, Monte, mooca/moocah, mooster, moota/mutah, moocah, mooters, mootie, mootos, mor a grifa, mota/moto, mother, muggie, muggles, mutha, nail, number, O.J., P.R. (Panama Red), paca lolo, pack, pack of rocks, pakalolo, Pakistani black, Panama cut, Panama gold, Panama red, panatella, paper blunts, parsley, pat, pin, pinhead, pocket rocket, pod, poke, pot, potten bush, prescription, pretendica, pretendo, Queen Ann's lace, ragweed, railroad weed, rainy day woman, rangood, rasta weed, red cross, red dirt, reefer, righteous bush, roach, roach clipholds, rockets, root, rope, Rose marie, salt and pepper, Santa Marta, sasfras, scissors, seeds, Sen, sess, sezz, shake, siddi, sinse, sinsemilla, skunk, smoke, smoke Canada, snop, speed boat, spliff, splim, square mackerel, stack, stems, stick, stink weed, straw, sugar weed, supergrass, sweet Lucy, T, THC, Taima, Takkouri, tea, Tex-mex, Texas pot, Texas tea, Thai sticks, Tijuana (TJ), thirteen, thumb, twist, twistum, vipe, viper's weed, wac, wacky terbacky, wacky weed, weed, weed tea, wheat, white-haired lady, woolas, X, yeh, yellow submarine, yen pop, yerba, yesca, yesco, zacatecas purple, zambi, zig zag man, zol ...
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