Description                               Code            Entity name   
===================================       ============    ==============
quotation mark                            "  --> "    "   --> "
ampersand                                 &  --> &    &    --> &
less-than sign                            &#60;  --> <    &lt;     --> <
greater-than sign                         &#62;  --> >    &gt;     --> >

Description                          Char Code            Entity name   
===================================  ==== ============    ==============
non-breaking space                        &#160; -->      &nbsp;   -->  
inverted exclamation                 ¡    &#161; --> ¡    &iexcl;  --> ¡
cent sign                            ¢    &#162; --> ¢    &cent;   --> ¢
pound sterling                       £    &#163; --> £    &pound;  --> £
general currency sign                ¤    &#164; --> ¤    &curren; --> ¤
yen sign                             ¥    &#165; --> ¥    &yen;    --> ¥
broken vertical bar                  ¦    &#166; --> ¦    &brvbar; --> ¦
                                                          &brkbar; --> &brkbar;
section sign                        §    &#167; --> §    &sect;   --> §
umlaut (dieresis)                    ¨    &#168; --> ¨    &uml;    --> ¨
                                                          &die;    --> ¨
copyright                            ©    &#169; --> ©    &copy;   --> ©
feminine ordinal                     ª    &#170; --> ª    &ordf;   --> ª
left angle quote, guillemotleft      «    &#171; --> «    &laquo;  --> «
not sign                             ¬    &#172; --> ¬    &not;    --> ¬
soft hyphen                          ­    &#173; --> ­    &shy;    --> ­
registered trademark                 ®    &#174; --> ®    &reg;    --> ®
macron accent                        ¯    &#175; --> ¯    &macr;   --> ¯
                                                          &hibar;  --> &hibar;
degree sign                          °    &#176; --> °    &deg;    --> °
plus or minus                        ±    &#177; --> ±    &plusmn; --> ±
superscript two                      ²    &#178; --> ²    &sup2;   --> ²
superscript three                    ³    &#179; --> ³    &sup3;   --> ³
acute accent                         ´    &#180; --> ´    &acute;  --> ´
micro sign                           µ    &#181; --> µ    &micro;  --> µ
paragraph sign                       ¶    &#182; --> ¶    &para;   --> ¶
middle dot                           ·    &#183; --> ·    &middot; --> ·
cedilla                              ¸    &#184; --> ¸    &cedil;  --> ¸
superscript one                      ¹    &#185; --> ¹    &sup1;   --> ¹
masculine ordinal                    º    &#186; --> º    &ordm;   --> º
right angle quote, guillemotright    »    &#187; --> »    &raquo;  --> »
fraction one-fourth                  ¼    &#188; --> ¼    &frac14; --> ¼
fraction one-half                    ½    &#189; --> ½    &frac12; --> ½
fraction three-fourths               ¾    &#190; --> ¾    &frac34; --> ¾
inverted question mark               ¿    &#191; --> ¿    &iquest; --> ¿
capital A, grave accent              À    &#192; --> À    &Agrave; --> À
capital A, acute accent              Á    &#193; --> Á    &Aacute; --> Á
capital A, circumflex accent         Â    &#194; --> Â    &Acirc;  --> Â
capital A, tilde                     Ã    &#195; --> Ã    &Atilde; --> Ã
capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark   Ä    &#196; --> Ä    &Auml;   --> Ä
capital A, ring                      Å    &#197; --> Å    &Aring;  --> Å
capital AE diphthong (ligature)      Æ    &#198; --> Æ    &AElig;  --> Æ
capital C, cedilla                   Ç    &#199; --> Ç    &Ccedil; --> Ç
capital E, grave accent              È    &#200; --> È    &Egrave; --> È
capital E, acute accent              É    &#201; --> É    &Eacute; --> É
capital E, circumflex accent         Ê    &#202; --> Ê    &Ecirc;  --> Ê
capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark   Ë    &#203; --> Ë    &Euml;   --> Ë
capital I, grave accent              Ì    &#204; --> Ì    &Igrave; --> Ì
capital I, acute accent              Í    &#205; --> Í    &Iacute; --> Í
capital I, circumflex accent         Î    &#206; --> Î    &Icirc;  --> Î
capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark   Ï    &#207; --> Ï    &Iuml;   --> Ï
capital Eth, Icelandic               Ð    &#208; --> Ð    &ETH;    --> Ð
                                                          &Dstrok; --> Đ
capital N, tilde                     Ñ    &#209; --> Ñ    &Ntilde; --> Ñ
capital O, grave accent              Ò    &#210; --> Ò    &Ograve; --> Ò
capital O, acute accent              Ó    &#211; --> Ó    &Oacute; --> Ó
capital O, circumflex accent         Ô    &#212; --> Ô    &Ocirc;  --> Ô
capital O, tilde                     Õ    &#213; --> Õ    &Otilde; --> Õ
capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark   Ö    &#214; --> Ö    &Ouml;   --> Ö
multiply sign                        ×    &#215; --> ×    &times;  --> ×
capital O, slash                     Ø    &#216; --> Ø    &Oslash; --> Ø
capital U, grave accent              Ù    &#217; --> Ù    &Ugrave; --> Ù
capital U, acute accent              Ú    &#218; --> Ú    &Uacute; --> Ú
capital U, circumflex accent         Û    &#219; --> Û    &Ucirc;  --> Û
capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark   Ü    &#220; --> Ü    &Uuml;   --> Ü
capital Y, acute accent              Ý    &#221; --> Ý    &Yacute; --> Ý
capital THORN, Icelandic             Þ    &#222; --> Þ    &THORN;  --> Þ
small sharp s, German (sz ligature)  ß    &#223; --> ß    &szlig;  --> ß
small a, grave accent                à    &#224; --> à    &agrave; --> à
small a, acute accent                á    &#225; --> á    &aacute; --> á
small a, circumflex accent           â    &#226; --> â    &acirc;  --> â
small a, tilde                       ã    &#227; --> ã    &atilde; --> ã
small a, dieresis or umlaut mark     ä    &#228; --> ä    &auml;   --> ä
small a, ring                        å    &#229; --> å    &aring;  --> å
small ae diphthong (ligature)        æ    &#230; --> æ    &aelig;  --> æ
small c, cedilla                     ç    &#231; --> ç    &ccedil; --> ç
small e, grave accent                è    &#232; --> è    &egrave; --> è
small e, acute accent                é    &#233; --> é    &eacute; --> é
small e, circumflex accent           ê    &#234; --> ê    &ecirc;  --> ê
small e, dieresis or umlaut mark     ë    &#235; --> ë    &euml;   --> ë
small i, grave accent                ì    &#236; --> ì    &igrave; --> ì
small i, acute accent                í    &#237; --> í    &iacute; --> í
small i, circumflex accent           î    &#238; --> î    &icirc;  --> î
small i, dieresis or umlaut mark     ï    &#239; --> ï    &iuml;   --> ï
small eth, Icelandic                 ð    &#240; --> ð    &eth;    --> ð
small n, tilde                       ñ    &#241; --> ñ    &ntilde; --> ñ
small o, grave accent                ò    &#242; --> ò    &ograve; --> ò
small o, acute accent                ó    &#243; --> ó    &oacute; --> ó
small o, circumflex accent           ô    &#244; --> ô    &ocirc;  --> ô
small o, tilde                       õ    &#245; --> õ    &otilde; --> õ
small o, dieresis or umlaut mark     ö    &#246; --> ö    &ouml;   --> ö
division sign                        ÷    &#247; --> ÷    &divide; --> ÷
small o, slash                       ø    &#248; --> ø    &oslash; --> ø
small u, grave accent                ù    &#249; --> ù    &ugrave; --> ù
small u, acute accent                ú    &#250; --> ú    &uacute; --> ú
small u, circumflex accent           û    &#251; --> û    &ucirc;  --> û
small u, dieresis or umlaut mark     ü    &#252; --> ü    &uuml;   --> ü
small y, acute accent                ý    &#253; --> ý    &yacute; --> ý
small thorn, Icelandic               þ    &#254; --> þ    &thorn;  --> þ
small y, dieresis or umlaut mark     ÿ    &#255; --> ÿ    &yuml;   --> ÿ

How to read this table:
The columns are
textual description of the character
character inserted directly into the HTML page as one byte
character written as numeric HTML entity, in the format:
"how it looks literally" --> "what your browser does with it"
character written as symbolic HTML entity, in the format:
"how it looks literally" --> "what your browser does with it"
So for example, if you see something like &divide; --> &divide; in the 4th column, this means your browser doesn't know about the entity name "divide" and just puts it literally.

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